A Global Initiative of Creative Visions and EarthX
Lesson 5 "The Human Element" Curriculum
Curriculum powered by Rock Your World
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Planet 911 Edu Toolkit
The Human Element Lesson & Activities
Lesson 5: Water
After this lesson, students will be able to:
Identify issues that lead to sea level rise, explain superstorms and freshwater flooding, and how sea level rise is impacting specific places in the United States as well as globally.
The purpose of this lesson is to acquaint students with the science and impact of sea level rise on earth and civilization as well as how climate change is hastening many such effects.
Guiding Questions:
What is sea level rise?
What are super storms?
What is freshwater flooding?
What are the impacts of sea level rise on land and in civilization?
Recommended Time: Approximately 1 hour
Internet/Computer Lab/Tablets - enough for partners to share in class
Provide students with 15-20 minutes to define the terms for Lesson 4 on the Part 1 Vocabulary Handout.
Next, assign each student a partner. Direct partner teams to visit
Pass out copies of the Water Handout to each student. Instruct students to complete all 4 sections of the handout which correspond to the sections on the website page. Encourage students to watch the videos embedded on the page as well.
Once all students have completed the Water Handout, pass out a sticky note to each student.
Instruct each student to write down a piece of information that they learned while completing the Water Handout that they most remember and direct them to write down why it struck them enough to remember.
Have students display sticky notes on the board, or a wall in a gallery style then invite them to come up several at a time to read their peers’ reactions.
Part 2
On a classroom smartboard or screen, visit https://www.thehumanelementmovie.com/water.
Scroll down to section were photographs are prominently featured. Perhaps show the Water clip one more time as well.
Instruct students to respond in one of the creative ways to one of the photographs or a scene from the The Human Element clip about water - you’re encouraged to play atmospheric or classical music during this activity:
Write a poem
Compose a song
Write a letter to members of your community about why rising sea levels is an important issue that deserves attention.
Create a drawing or painting that illuminates your responses to what you have learned in this unit.
Photos and video stills courtesy of: James Balog, photographer | Unsplash.com | EarthxFilm | Earth Vision Institute
"The Human Element" directed by Matthew Testa | "Youth Unstoppable" directed by Slater Jewell-Kemker