Materials: Internet/Computer(s)
Copies of Part 1 Vocabulary Handout
Official Trailer
password: THE2018
Pen or Pencils
Paper for writing
Poster sized paper for groups or pairs
Legal sized paper cut into thirds (1 piece per student)
Colored pencils, markers or crayons
Lesson Design:
Part A
- Begin by passing out the Part 1 Vocabulary Handout. Point out the words for Lesson 1 and provide about 10 minutes for students to look up definitions for each word.
- Review definitions as a class, then proceed by showing students the official trailer for The Human Element.
- After the conclusion of the trailer, have students either form groups or pairs.
- Have student groups or pairs discuss the trailer. This can be a general discussion about what they are compelled by the most..
- Next, ask students to identify the 5 elements named in the trailer. (earth, air, water, fire, people)
- Once the students have identified the 5 elements, instruct them to use writing paper in order to define each element in a way that makes sense to them. These don’t have to be dictionary definitions. Encourage students to consider how each element has defined their own lives as well.
- For example: Water means the ocean on whose beaches I’ve spent many birthdays, spent time with my friends and family and whose waves I have stared at while thinking about my dreams.
- Next, have a handful of students share their definitions--enough to represent each element with the whole class.
- Afterwards, direct students to work with their partners or groups to create a poster that features each element and in one or more ways demonstrates how each element is connected.
- Have students present their posters and display them as desired.
Part B
Ask students what they believe photographer James Balog meant when he stated in the trailer, “An imbalance in one element leads to an imbalance in another.”
Explain to students that they will be creating a bumper sticker with a tagline that draws attention the element or issue of imbalance they feel most concerned about. See some examples on the
Sample Bumper Stickers Handout.
Once done, please share pictures of class bumper stickers with Planet 911 so that they can be featured on the website. Submit to the Planet 911 Showcase on