Dr. Roberts joined the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History in late 2016 as its first Chief Technology Officer (CTO). As CTO, he managed the technical aspects of the museum and focused on using technology in innovative ways to engage museum guests. Fall 2019, Roberts moved into a new position, Chief Public Engagement Officer. In this role, Roberts’ oversees the public offerings of the Museum, including shows, exhibits and programs. Connecting the public to scientific and historical understandings using technology, is a passion for Roberts. He has led projects, such as a new experience in the Noble planetarium, as well as in exhibits, such as the 2019 exhibit on Apollo missions to the Moon, called Launchpad. Roberts is also engaged in active research using telescopes like the Very Large Array radio telescope and the Hubble Space Telescope to understand the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy.